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3 weeks access
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Full refund if, within 100 days of your purchase, you don't get the job. Or are at all unsatisfied.

(You have a 98% chance of being satisfied)

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Our risk-free guarantee

If you don't think we earned your money, we don't want to keep it.

If you:

  • don't land the job you wanted...
  • end up deciding to use another resource for your coding interview prep...
  • or end up just not having time to use the course...

Just email us within 100 days of your purchase to get a full refund and have your account downgraded back to the free tier.

We only want to keep your money if you think we really earned it.

Not quite ready to buy? Enroll in the free email course!

No money? No problem. In just 7 days we'll teach you the right way of thinking for breaking down tricky algorithmic coding interview questions.

Every interview I've gone through since I started studying your problem set has included a variation of the questions on Interview Cake! There was one problem that wasn't on here, but I was able to solve it because of the themes you taught. Today I am accepting an offer at a startup in SF! — Ulises

Learn the right way to think

We don't just give you the answer—we teach you how to derive it yourself. Every question includes a full breakdown, gotcha list, and "what we learned" section that guide you through the right way of thinking for coming up with the answer.

I'm a veteran programmer who came across your website. After working through your problems I scheduled an interview. The company hired me and paid me 30% more than I asked for! I stillĀ use your site daily to help me keep my edge. — David

Get $30,000+ higher offers

Companies can't afford to let great candidates pass on their offers. When you crush your interviews, companies will use money to fight for you. These negotiations happen in increments of $10,000+.

I only took 1 programming class in college. I really didn't have any background in data structures or algorithms. When asked to interview at Google, I didn't know where to start. Their list of interview topics was almost like a foreign language. Long story short - your course made the difference for me. Last week I signed an offer with Google! — Holly

What you'll get:

50+ hours of practice questions and readings, covering:
All the core data structures:
  • Linked lists
  • Queues
  • Stacks
  • Hash maps
  • Graphs
  • Trees
  • Tries
  • And more!
All the core problem types:
  • System design
  • Dynamic programming
  • Recursion
  • Searching
  • Sorting
  • And more!
I can't believe how this problem set covered such a wide variety of algorithmic approaches in detail. It transformed the way I think about interviews and gave me immense confidence. Thanks again Parker! — Shan
Get the job, guaranteed. Or your money back.
We only want to keep your money if you think we earned it.
I was so used to thinking that I just don't have the knack for solving interview questions, but you helped me "get it." I owe you one, man! — Noam
After going through roughly half of Interview Cake I was able to pass every interview I took. — Sergei
Parker Phinney, Founder, Interview Cake

Hi, I'm Parker. I started Interview Cake after my life-changing experience helping my friend Alice.

Alice had fallen on hard times. She had lost her apartment and was running out of money. She was just finishing her coursework at a coding boot camp, hoping a job in tech could turn her life around.

Alice was kicking butt at coding, but to land her dream job she needed to kick butt at coding interviews. That meant having a rock-solid foundation in algorithms, data structures, big O notation, and of course problem solving.

So we got to work running practice problems, drilling her weak points in algorithms and data structures, and focusing on how to arrive at the answers, not just what the answers were.

She struggled a lot at first. But after just 3 days (a long weekend) of focused practice, she was ready.

Alice ended up landing a job at Facebook. Overnight she went from crashing on my couch to making more money than I ever have.

Seeing Alice's life turn around was amazing. I was hooked. Since then I've taught hundreds of candidates in person, and hundreds of thousands online.

Through years of testing and tweaking, I've developed a curriculum that works. Beyond the foundations of data structures and algorithms, we learn how to begin breaking down a new problem and how to keep moving even when you're stuck.

I want everyone to have the same kind of opportunity to land their dream job that Alice had.

Thanks for checking out Interview Cake, and best of luck with your interviews. Let me know if I can help in any way.

D. Parker Phinney (signature)
With the help of Interview Cake I ended up with 4 job offers, of the 5 companies I interviewed for. Even as an engineer with a decade of experience, the job hunt is a whole different beast - and you made the whole process fun for me. Thanks for building a great site! — Upeka

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any stats on whether or not the service works?

Sure. Since launching our money-back guarantee we've had thousands of people purchase access to full questions on Interview Cake. Less than 2% of those people have been unsatisfied and asked for their money back. Think about that: 98% of people knew that they could get a full refund just by asking, and they chose not to. Chances are you'll also be a member of that 98%, but on the off chance you're in the 2% who end up unsatisfied...well, you'll get your money back.

Is the money-back guarantee real?

Yes. If, within 100 days of your purchase, you're unsatisfied for any reason, including that you simply didn't pass your interviews, just email me and I'll give you a full refund. You should only pay if Interview Cake works.

What's the difference between the three courses?

They're all the same course. The only difference is the length of time you have access. We think recurring charges are annoying and having to remember to cancel a subscription is a pain, so we ask you up front how long you plan to use the course and just charge you once. Easy.

Can I buy more time after my subscription runs out?

Yep. Just come back to this page. You can even buy more time before your subscription runs out, if you really want to. The time will "stack" exactly how you'd hope—buying two weeks twice gives you four weeks. How about that.

Do you have Google/Facebook/Microsoft/Amazon questions?

Yes, we hear about our questions being asked at those companies all the time. But the truth is there's no fundamental difference between a Google question and a Microsoft question, and often the question you get asked has more to do with your individual interviewer than the company.

I've never studied Comp Sci. Is Interview Cake too advanced for me?

The original inspiration for Interview Cake came from helping a friend who learned how to program at a 10-week coding boot camp, so we've always had self-taught and bootcamp-taught engineers in mind (as well as CS majors) while building our content. Now, our curriculum might sometimes feel like a whirlwind, and that's by design—we teach with problems (rather than boring readings or lectures), so lots of concepts are supposed to feel new at first. You'll find that it starts coming together faster than you'd think! The only background you need is our primer on Big O notation.

Can't I get this stuff for free?

If you're looking for a question database to slog through, there are plenty of free ones out there. But if you want a carefully-curated, problem-based walk through the core strategies you need to quickly answer any coding interview question...well, you're in the right place. Interview Cake is designed to 1) make you really good at interviews as quickly as possible and 2) never leave you behind by failing to explain something.

Is it really worth the money?

Think about how much it'll cost not to ace your coding interviews. You could easily be leaving $10k, $20k, $30k+ on the table. The better you perform in the interview, the more money companies will throw at you to try to snatch you up. For better or for worse, interview performance is their primary metric of your worth. Plus, spending the next 2, 5, 10+ years working your dream job...hard to put a price tag on that.

What does upgrading get me?

You'll get immediate full access to our carefully-tailored interview questions. Access to full questions is the only feature that's paywalled, though occasionally we'll ask upgraded users for help testing new beta features.

What topics are covered?

All the core data structures (arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks, hash maps), some advanced data structures (tries), common algorithm types (greedy, brute force, dynamic programming), and some pesky bits of math and trivia that can really throw you off (probability, shuffling, combinatorics, common arithmetic series').

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